
"S.L." Concluding Notes/Quotes



Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? And, thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?” Ps. 88: 12

“Will the Lord reject us forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion? Then I thought, to this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” Ps. 77: 7-12

“…That you may be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life.” Phil. 2: 15-16

“You are meant to incarnate in your lives the theme of your adoration, you are to be taken, consecrated, broken and distributed, that you may be the means of grace and vehicles of the eternal charity.” -Augustine

“God hath had it much on His heart, from all eternity to glorify His dear and only begotten Son; and there are some special seasons that He appoints to that end, wherein He comes forth with omnipotent power to fulfill His promise and oath to Him: and these times are times of remarkable pouring out of His Spirit, to advance His Kingdom; such a day is a day of His power.” -Jonathan Edwards


1. Pierson, Paul E., “Historical Development of the Christian Movement”. (Fuller

Theological Seminary, MH 520. Fall 1998), 61.

2. Schoenbawm, S., William Shakespeare. (New York: Oxford University Press,


3. Grant, George, “Church History I”. (Victory Leadership Institute. Fall 1998),

Session 1.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Joyner, Rick, Three Witnesses. (Charlotte: Morning Star Publications, 1997), 29.

7. Drummond, Lewis, Eight Keys to Biblical Revival. (Minneapolis: Bethany House,

1994), 24.

8. Curtis, A. K., Lang and Petersen, The 100 Most Important Events in Christian

History. (Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 1991), 88.

9. Ibid, 89.

10. Henderson, D. Michael, John Wesley’s Class Meeting. (Nappanee: Evangel, 1997),


11. Shelley, Bruce L., Church History in Plain Language. (Dallas: Word, 1992), 344.

12. Latourette, Kenneth Scott, A History of Christianity, Vol. II. (New York: Harper &

Row, 1953), 894.

13. Ibid.

14. Chadwick, Owen, A History of Christianity. (New York: St. Martin’s, 1995), 241.

15. Bosch, David J., Transforming Mission. (New York: Orbis, 1991), 252.

16. Ibid, 254.

17. Elwell, Walter A., The Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991), 568.

18. Durmmond, 84.

19. Mellis, Charles J., Committed Communities. (Pasedena: William Carey, 1976), 41.

20. Vos, Howard F., Exploring Church History. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1994), 116.

21. Shelley, 348.

22. Wagner, C. Peter, The New Apostolic Churches. (Ventura: Regal, 1998), 16.

23. Kennedy, John W., The Torch of the Testimony. (Auburn: Christian Books, 1965), 194.

24. Thompson, Ernest T., Through the Ages. (Richmond: CLC, 1965), 255.

25. Henderson, 64.

26. Joyner, 23-24.

27. Sirotnak, Tom, Ultimate Warriors. (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996), 85.

28. Joyner, 26.

29. Mellis, 41.

30. Durmmond, 84.

31. Damazio, Frank, The Vanguard Leader. (Portland: Bible Temple, 1994), 6-7.

32. Wallis, Arthur, In the Day of Thy Power. (Columbia: City Hill, 1956), 131.

33. Joyner, 27.

34. Ibid, 27-28.

35. Greenfield, John, Power Fom On High. (Bethlehem: Moravian, 1928), 43.

36. Ibid, 52.

37. Ibid, 93.

38. Ibid, 57.

39. Ibid, 48.

40. Ibid, 21.

41. Ibid, 86.

42. Hamon, Bill, The Eternal Church. (Point Washington: CI, 1981), 202.

43. Vos, 116.

44. Greenfield, 43.

45. Vos 116.

46. Joyner, 34.

47. Pierson, 126.

48. Kennedy, 194.

49. Ibid, 189.

50. Henderson, 52.

51. Hunter, George G. III, To Spread The Power. (Nashville: Abingdon, 1987), 40.

52. Henderson, 60.

53. Ibid, 66.

54. Ibid, 67.

55. McKenna, David C., The Coming Great Awakening. (Downers Grove: Inter Varsity, 1990), 85, 89.

56. Henderson, 61.

57. Pierson, 126.

58. Bosch, 252.

59. Caldwell, Larry W., Missions and You! (Manila: CMF, 1994), 44.

60. Van Halsema, Dick & Thea, Going and Growing. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991), 11-12.

61. Mellis, 42.

62. Neill, Stephen, A History of Christian Missions. (London: Penguin, 1964), 202.

63. Wallis, 88.

64. Caldwell, 44.

65. George, Timothy, Faithful Witness. (Birmingham: New Hope, 1991), 41.

66. Curtis, 133-134.

67. Shibley, David, A Force in the Earth. (Orlando: Creation House, 1997), 7.

68. Bonnke, Reinhard, Evangelism By Fire. (Laguna Hills: R. Bonnke Ministries, 1993), 69.

69. Grant, Bringing in the Sheaves. (Atlanta: AVP, 1985), 110.

70. Sirotnak, Warriors. (Nashville: B&H, 1995), 168.

71. Thomas, Cal, The Things That Matter Most. (New York: Harper & Row, 1994), 219.

72. Joyner, 19.

73. George, 50.

74. Bonar, Andrew A., Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne. (Grand Rapids: Baker 1978), 47.


Bonar, Andrew A. Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray McCheyne. Grand Rapids: Baker Books,


Bonnke, Reinhard. Evangelism by Fire. Laguna Hills: Reinhard Bonnke Ministries, Inc.,


Bosch, David J. Transforming Mission. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1991.

Caldwell, Larry W. Mission and You! Manila: CMF Literature Inc., 1994.

Chadwick, Owen. A History of Christianity. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.

Curtis, A. Kenneth, J. Stephen Lang, and Randy Petersen. The 100 Most Important

Events In Christian History. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 1991.

Damazio, Frank. The Vanguard Leader. Portland: Bible Temple, 1994.

Drummond, Lewis. Eight Keys to Biblical Revival. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1994.

Elwell, Walter A. The Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Grand Rapids:

Baker Books, 1991.

George, Timothy. Faithful Witness. Birmingham: New Hope, 1991.

Grant, George. Bringing in the Sheaves. Atlanta: American Vision, 1985.

Grant, George. Church History I. Victory Leadership Institute, Fall 1998.

Greenfield, John. Power From On High. Bethlehem: Moravian Church, 1928.

Hamon, Bill. The Eternal Church. Point Washington: Christian International, 1981.

Henderson, D. Micheal. John Wesley’s Class Meeting. Nappanee: Evangel Publishing

House, 1997.

Hunter, George G. III. To Spread The Power. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987.

Joyner, Rick. Three Witnesses. Charlotte: Morning Star Publications, 1997.

Kennedy, John W. The Torch of the Testimony. Auburn: Christian Books, 1965.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christianity, Vol. II. New York: Harper & Row,


McKenna, David L. The Coming Great Awakening. Downers Grove: Inter Varsity

Press, 1990.

Mellis, Charles J. Committed Communities. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1976.

Neill, Stephen. A History of Christian Missions. London: Penguin Books, 1964.

Orr, J. Edwin. Campus Aflame. Glendale: Regal Books, 1971.

Pierson, Paul E. Historical Development of the Christian Movement. Fuller Theological

Seminary, Fall 1998.

Schoenbaum, S. William Shakespeare. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

Shelley, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language. Dallas: Word, Inc., 1982.

Shibley, David. A Force in the Earth. Orlando: Creation House, 1997.

Sirotnak, Tom. Ultimate Warriors. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996.

Sirotnak, Tom. Warriors. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996.

Thomas, Cal. The Things That Matter Most. New York: Harper Collins, 1994.

Thompson, Ernest Trice. Through the Ages. Richmond: The CLC Press, 1965.

Van Halsema, Dick & Thea. Going and Growing. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1991.

Vos, Howard F. Exploring Church History. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1994.

Wagner, C. Peter. The New Apostolic Churches. Ventura: Regal Books, 1998.

Wallis, Arthur. In The Day of Thy Power. Columbia: City Hill Publishing, 1956.

Walls, Andrew F. The Missionary Movement in Christian History. Maryknoll: Orbis

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